Friday, December 27, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Catalog Copy

The Dos and Donts of Catalog CopyThe Dos and Donts of Catalog CopyCatalogs are different than most advertising mediums because youre explaining numerous products with short descriptions. Your purpose in writing catalog copy is to get people to order your product directly by calling customer service or filling out an enclosed order form. Use the following catalog dos and donts and youll be on your way to painting a Picasso. Do Write a Catchy Headline No matter what your space constraints, do write a snappy headline. Even a couple of words will do. A good headline will prompt people to take notice. A bad headline or subhead will turn people off, even if the product is fantastic. Dont Write a Product Description in Your Headline There is a time and a place for this, and its in the body copy. If youre selling a diet pill, dont use diet pill as your headline. Think more along the lines of Lose Weight Fast or Fit Into Your College Jeans Again. Do Include a Letter From the Manuf acturer Flip through your favorite catalogs and youll probably notice a letter from the companys president, explaining the companys quality of products, commitment to customers, and a customer satisfaction guarantee. Sometimes the letter may even be used to call attention to a specific product line. Even a personal letter from the president adds a friendly touch that gives customers that warm, fuzzy feeling. Letting them know theres actually a human being behind the company can make a big selling difference. Do Provide Hard Facts Yourultimate goal is to get customers to buy from your catalog. So your catalog descriptions have to be as complete as possible. From sizes to colors, materials to exact specifications - the copy should still be brief but contain enough details that they can make an informed buying decision. Dont Chop Your Pages Into Equal Parts A bestselling product deserves much more space than something that doesnt perform as well. Give it the attention it dese rves. Try a half page or a full-page close to the front of the catalog. Your lesser-selling items can be placed toward the back. Do Use Your Sales Techniques Use those selling tools, such as Credit card orders accepted.Free gift for placing an order.Discounts on large orders.Free shipping on orders over $50.Gift packaging available. Dont Bury Your Phone Number Ever found a catalog product you wanted to buy and then you flipped here for the number and there to read the item number? Annoying, isnt it? Consider putting your phone number on every page. No, people wont call and tell you what a wonderful idea you had - but the convenience and ease of ordering will still stick in your customers mind. Dont Forget the Discounts Your product is 20 percent off. So tell your customer. There are a couple of different ways to do this. One is to simply write 20 percentoff Was $84.99 - Now Just $67.99 Or you can just use graphics to cross out the old price and type the new price. D ont Forget Your Graphics So youve got your product pictures and your catalog copy. Dont forget to use those handy, dandy graphics. New product? Use a starburst graphic and it will really stand out. Really draw attention to your items that are on sale, bestsellers, etc. However, use those special graphics in moderation. If everything has a starburst or an arrow, then nothing will stand out and your page will simply look cluttered. Do Give Your Customer Some Space Keep it simple. Design an order form thats easy to fill out, with a lot of space to write their information. Dont Forget the Instructions Print step-by-step instructions on your order form so your customers know exactly how to send in their order.And speaking of sending in their order, provide a business reply envelope so your customer can enclose your order form and their check. Unfortunately for customers, most catalogs fail to use the above fundamentals. Those catalogs that lack descriptive, persuasive copy and a re just filled with product specs and model numbers are not only boring, but theyre also ineffective.But fortunately, you have all the ingredients to organize an order-pulling, money-making catalog by utilizing all of these key details.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Easy Steps to Create a Project Budget

Easy Steps to Create a Project BudgetEasy Steps to Create a Project BudgetExperienced project managers and those who work in big companies will have software and accountants to help them put together project budgets. But what if you dont? If you are staring at a blank spreadsheet or an email from your project sponsor asking you to put together the finances for the project, then this article is for you. Well look at the five things you need to do to create a basic project budget. Use Your Task List First, take your project task list. You might also have a work breakdown structure, and if you have one, its best to use that. But a task list will do as long as it comprehensively covers everything that you need to do on the project. If you dont have a task list, its time to create one. Write down everything that you have to do, and the things you have to build, make or complete before the project can be completed. It doesnt have to be in any particular order, but it does need to inclu de everything. Finally in this step, brainstorm ideas with your project team, as there is bound to be something you have forgotten. Many heads are better than one Estimate Each Component Now go through your list and work out the price of each item. For example, a task that says set up meetings to discuss requirements might involve sourcing and hiring, the meeting rooms or buyingof any resources you need like a projector or flip chart pens. There is a cost involved with that, so get quotes for your room hire and the other equipment and note it down. Do this for everything on the task list, so you end up with a price against every item. Some project tasks may not have a price attached, and thats OK. Add Estimates Together Next add together all your estimates. Its easiest to do this if you make a list of items in a spreadsheet, add the costs in the next column and then total the column at the bottom. Let the spreadsheet do the math for you It becomes your budget spreadsheet. It is a good idea to group your costs into categories as well, so you can easily see where the bulk of the money is going. Use categories like Project Start Up, Infrastructure or Training choose groupings that mean something in the context of the project. Add Contingency and Taxes It would be great if you had a crystal ball and could predict these costs with 100% accuracy but you probably dont feel confident in your ability to do that It is where contingency comes in. It is a fund of money based on how confident you feel that you got the estimates right. It doesnt relate to any particular task. Its an overall emergency pot in case you got something wrong or left something out by mistake. If you dont know how much contingency to add, go for 10% of the total you created in Step 3. It is a non-scientific guesstimate that many project managers use and gives you a little bit of cushioning in your budget in case you need it. Add a line on your budget spreadsheet at the bottom that says Contingency and specifies the percentage you used. Dont forget to add in any sales tax or other taxes that are not explicitly already included in your individual line item estimates. Add it all up, and thats your final budget amount. Get Approval The final thing to do is to get your manager or project sponsor to approve your budget. Talk to them about how you put it together and what elements make up your overall budget. Thats it Project budgeting is an essential project management skill, and this guide will get you started creating a project budget.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Students Put Their Simulation Skills to the Test at Inaugural ASME Challenge

Students Put Their Simulation Skills to the Test at Inaugural ASME Challenge Students Put Their Simulation Skills to the Test at Inaugural ASME Challenge Students Put Their Simulation Skills to the Test at Inaugural ASME ChallengeStudents from around the globe competed in the finals of ASMEs inaugural Innovative konzept Simulation Challenge in Buffalo, N.Y., on Aug. 17. There were 13 students competing in three software simulation categories. One competitor presented via Skype from Venezuela. This final round of competition was held in conjunction with the Advanced Design and Manufacturing Impact Forum and the 2014 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE).In the Custom Software Category, Gknur Sirin, from Ecole Centrale Paris, France, won for Best Impact Simulation for Framework Process Design, for a simulation designed to improve efficiency in the design of automobiles through the early detection of inconsistencies in computer models. Prof. Bernard Yannou was the faculty advisor for the team. Niti Agrawal of the IIT Kharagpur team during her presentation at the ASMEs inaugural Innovative Design Simulation Challenge (IDSC). Her team won the Best Scientific Simulation Impact Award.Also in the Custom Software Category, Nathan Daley, Nick Selby and Jia Li Liu at the Georgia Institute of Technology won for Best Utility Simulation for Product Design. The students, who were supervised by Prof. Thomas Stone, computed through various simulation iterations, each part of an automobile drivetrain. Their goal was to determine the optimal differential gear for best performance in a quarter-mile drag race. In the Open Software category, Sohail Reddy from Florida International University under the guidance of Prof. George Dulikravich, won for Best Overall Impact Simulation for the modeling of airflow around airplane wings, to determine the optimal design of winglets. Also, in the Open Softwa re category, Niti Agrawal and Vivek Nagal from IIT Kharagpur, India, won the Best Scientific Simulation Impact Award. The students, under the guidance of Prof Venkatt Padmanabhan, modeled density fluctuations in nano-composites. Darshan Sarojini and Akshay Varik, two of the team members from BMS College of Engineering in Bangalore, India.In the Commercial Software category, Darshan Sarojini, Akahay Varik, and Anirudh Katti of BMS College of Engineering, in Bangalore, India, won the Best Impact Simulation for Product Design. They determined how a chair might be built using bi-modal, bi-stabile properties, to assist a mobility-impaired person rise from a sitting to standing position. Prof. H.K. Rangavittal was the teams advisor.In the Commercial Software Category, Henry Aguero, from Universidad Nacional Experimental Politecnica de Ias Fuerzas Armadas, Maracay, Venezuela, won the Best Impact Simulation for Process Design. Prof. Reyes Diaz was Agueros advisor on the project. His simul ation formulated the Numerical Model of thermo-fluid dynamic behavior of the air and gasses flowing in the pre-heater of a power plant. Aguero gave his presentation via Skype. (From left) Alex Buehler of the University of Wisconsin Madison accepts his Best Integrated Design Tool Simulation Award from two of the IDSC judges, John Michopoulos from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and Cameron Turner from the Colorado School of Mines.In the Mixed Software category, Alex Buehler from the University of Wisconsin Madison won the Best Integrated Design Tool Simulation Award. Buehler, who was supervised by Prof. Krishnan Suresh, demonstrated that a machine part could be designed, optimized using topology optimization software, and manufactured in a 3D printer in one hour from start to finish.The advisors for each winning simulation received a faculty advisor award for their work with the students. The students will be conducting ASME facilitated webinars to share their simulations and les sons learned with students worldwide.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Under Promise and Over Deliver

Under Promise and Over DeliverUnder Promise and Over DeliverThere are things you, your company and your product can do and things that cannot be done. Knowing the difference takes solid training, a strong business acumen, and experience. Telling a customer that you can do everything takes nothing more than your vocal chords while telling a customer that you cannot do something they want, takes courage. Anyone in sales will tell you that it is a tough business and the temptation to overpromise is always present. But doing so puts you in a potentially very bad situation and forces you to either let your customer down or to do more than what is possible. Set Yourself Up for Failure Overpromising is a wonderful way to platzdeckchen yourself up for failure. It is also a great way to put your company and customer support teams in a no-win situation. When you over-promise, you are essentially telling your customer that you can do something that you either know you cant or dont feel conf ident that you can fulfill your promise. Why do sales professionals over-promise? Usually, it is to close a sale but sometimes they over-promise out of fear or ignorance. It is amazing how quickly common sense goes out the window when some sales reps are forced with either telling the truth or deliver a promise that they wont be able to deliver When you over-promise, the damage you do is mostly to your career and your reputation. While your customer may suffer some loss due to your decision, it is yourself that you have set up for failure. Not only will you set yourself up for some seriously challenging conversations with your professional network when and if they learn about how you treat your customers, but your company may also be less than enamored with the position youve forced them into. Set Your Company Up for Failure Often, when you over-promise, it is your company that is placed in a bad situation. Either they need to find a way to deliver on what you promised your cust omer or risk damaging their reputation. If there is one thing that businesses can count on is that an angry customer will tell others about their bad experience. If a sales professional continues to make promises that either they or their company cannot deliver, the company will probably be forced to make some staffing changes before any further damage is done to their reputation. The Glory of Under Promising To serve as an example, imagine that you are a Financial Adviser, who, after conducting days, weeks or months of research, have found a stock that is primed to deliver tremendous gains. You call several of your clients whom you feel will be able to and interested in investing in this stock. While there are no guarantees in the stock market, all evidence points to nothing but growth for this company, so your optimism is high. If you tell your clients that the stock should deliver 15 to 20 points of return over the next few months but are more comfortable in assuming a 10 to 12 point return, you have officially over-promised. You now need the stock to hit at least 15 points to deliver on your promise. If, however, you suggested that the stock could produce an 8 to 10 point return, you have created a much safer assurance. Now if the stock performs at the expected 15 to 20 points of return, your under-promise will be met with elation as the stock over-delivered. Yes, closing sales can be more challenging when you employ the under-promise approach, but in the long run, doing so will add immensely to your career. The Benefits of Over-Delivering Simply put, when you deliver more than what you suggested to your client and more than what they were expecting, the perceived value increases. With increased value, you are much more likely to get referrals and additional sales. Sometimes you will over-deliver without even trying to do so. When this happens, just tell your customer that you always give your best and sometimes, your best even surprises yourself Y our customer will remember how well you delivered and will be much more likely to lean in your favor the next time a buying decision needs to be made. And when it comes to building your professional reputation, not much is better than having a contact list full of customers who view you as an overachiever.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Understanding Entry Level It Resume

Understanding Entry Level It Resume What you should do is to just start looking into the data entry job description printed by the employer for the position. Additionally, its simple to find experience fast for just about any job. On the program, you are made to incorporate every job. You should list your latest job on top and work down. The Fight Against Entry Level It Resume Learning how to do a resume when dont have any work experience is a lot easier if youre able to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Much like the other examples, make certain to highlight any experience, skills, or education youve got to construct your objective statement. Now you need to know how to compose a resume with no experience thats compelling and distinctive, ideal for a high school resume or a beginners resume for teens. As most of your IT experience is by way of your training, you will need to really showcase your learning. But What About Entry Level It Resume? You may always select from the wide variety of entry level Resume Samples we must offer you. Simply head over to their Placement Office and you are going to have schablone in no moment. A schablone can help you with making certain that each of the info a prospective employer expects to see will be there, and will be placed where it needs to be. Youre able to locate a resume template for an entry-level position, and you will find a template for virtually any job or career you are searching for. Resume writing is an intimidating endeavor for everybody. Utilizing entry-level resume examples can provide you a tried-and-tested structure to take as a starting point and also provides resume help to learn how to finish each resume section with guides regarding what to include and exactly what you ought to avoid to be able to entice the proper employers. Resume creators permit jobseekers to make and download their finished resumes directly from the world wide web to begin applying straig ht away. Again, be keen to details and be certain that youre all set to the answer should you get asked on ways to use a particular skill work for the job which youre applying for. When youre in search of a secretarial employment opportunity, your resume should incorporate an objective statement that clearly communicates the type and degree of job which you want to know more about. Please look at my attached resume for an in depth look at my abilities and experience. To sum up, when applying for work at a call center, acquiring the perfect set of skills is critical. You have to understand what youre getting into before applying, otherwise youre going to be miserable. For entry-level candidates, theres no point picking a five-page resume, just since its good on eyes. First thing you ought to keep in mind is there are no common patterns of writing a resume entry level, as it greatly depends upon the work offer, requirements of the employer not to mention the area of your interest s. Although it is an entry-level job, its still true that you have to make certain that you place your best in everything that you do, starting with the resume that you pass. A proactive problem-solver and determined achiever whos on the lookout for a chance to prove himself. The work designation a lot of the time doesnt need prior experience and professional backgrounds. The Entry Level It Resume Trap An entry level IT resume objective can be difficult to write. Another item which you should include on your resume would become your work experience. Keep on reading to find out more concerning the structure of a resume, its key characteristics and mistakes to prevent. Structure is likewise an important quality of a graduate school resume. Most Noticeable Entry Level It Resume Not every employer is likely to request or even make it possible for you to deliver a resume, whereas most if not all will require you to complete some sort of job application. The education part of yo ur entry-level resume can produce the hiring manager say the words above. Just make sure you double-check whether adding social media to your particular resume is suitable for the job You will definitely discover the ideal template that will help you save you time, provide you with a professional look, and leave an enduring impression to land the interview. You may put in your place, education level, years of expertise and more to learn an acceptable salary range before you negotiate. Education section is most likely the most significant portion of an entry level resume, as it offers you an opportunity to demonstrate your skills, not concentrating on the absence of work experience. An entry level job lends valuable experience as you will discover the way the business functions from the bottom up. As a new graduate its wise to begin your resume with education in place of part time work experience. Entry Level It Resume Explained Glassdoor and Vault are websites to take into a ccount for company review info. Resumes have to be simple for the reader to follow. As soon as you pick one, all you will need to do is fill in your information. Make certain that you have written correct and up-to-date contact details. Things You Wont Like About Entry Level It Resume and Things You Will You can also see Resume Objectives. In Summary Creating the perfect resume should not need to be a significant ordeal. Work Experience Employment experience is easily the most important part of any entry-level resume. Teacher Resume must be well drafted document.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

15 Skills Eveyr Project Manager Should Have on Their Resume

15 Skills Eveyr Project Manager Should Have on Their Resume The ability to successfully execute projects from the initiation stage to completion goes beyond just technical know-how. To be effective, project managers must also work on developing the soft skills necessary to push projects to completion. Whether youve already begun your career in project management or are hoping to pivot into the field, here are 15 skills that any you should landseek to develop and showcase on your resume1. LeadershipAt the end of the day, your job as a project manager is to lead your team. You need to set the vision and inspire others to achieve it - if you can do that, all while treating your team members with respect and consideration, youll find that meeting your other goals as a PM is much easier.2. Industry ExpertiseYou should know the ins and outs of your field and your company. Understanding the more technical aspects of the work youre overseeing will help you gain your teams respect, and track and evaluate their work more effectively. From understanding project management software to keeping track of emerging market trends, excelling in your own field is a non-negotiable necessity for a project manager.3. NegotiationWhen a group of people from diverse backgrounds are brought together to work toward a common goal, there is bound to be conflict. Thats why one of the top project management skills is the ability to listen to all perspectives and find win-win solutions.4. CommunicationThe ability to know what needs to be said and how to say it is the secret for building lasting relationships and a close-knit team.5. Cost Control The scope of a project managers job profile extends beyond human resource management and also includes effectively handling logistics. Since budget management is an important part of the job, cost control becomes is commonly cited as a top project management skill. At the end of the day, delivering a project on time and under budget is your ultimate go al.6. Team Management If you want to land a job as a project manager, you need to know how to delegate tasks andkeep team members professional goals aligned with larger organizational goals. 7. Risk Management Project management is constantly evolving, as is its scope, As a result, you never know what kinds of projects or tasks might be thrown your way. . In these situations, having a solid foundation in risk management will help you navigate unfamiliar terrain and make strong decisions.. 8. OrganizationAs a project manager, you could be overseeing different projects of varying natures simultaneously. The ability to stay organized and keep your team operations streamlined by prioritizing multiple complex tasks at the saatkorn time is crucial. 9. Critical Thinking You need to be skilled at analyzing the pros and cons of each decision, and thinking logically in order to reach conclusions.10. Technical WritingFrom updating external stakeholders on projects to internal team communicati ons, your ability to succinctly and clearly explain a project with written updates is crucial. s.11. MentoringAs a project manager, you will work with different teams in different environments, and each team member will possess a different skill set. Considering this diversity, mentoring is another key skill you should aim to master over time. It opens up a whole new window of opportunity to ensure your team reaches its max potential.12. AdaptabilityGiven the diverse nature of the job, adaptability is a crucial skill for any project manager. From getting along with team members from diverse backgrounds and experiences, to quickly adapting to new technologies, product trends, geographical locations and user demographics, good PMs know how to adapt to the situation theyre in.13. Resilience Even though no project manager sets out to watch a project spiral downhill, every PM eventually encounters a project that just doesnt go quite right. The resilience to turn around a project thats pe rforming poorly is key - and showcasing this resilience on your resume will help set you apart from your peers.14. Quality Control A project manager must not only see a project through from initiation to closure, but also ensure the end product is in line with the purpose it has been designed for. Therefore, spending time and energy on the quality of your deliverables is a hallmark of a good project manager. 15. Sense of Humor Humor is an important people skill. For a job that largely entails managing teams of professionals, the ability to laugh and lighten up the situation when things look grim is crucial. A project manager who relies on a good sense of humor to earn goodwill is much more likely to have team members who are willing to go the extra mile when necessary.Why Do These Project Manager Skills Count? Reports released by the Project Management Institute indicate that the need for individuals with diverse skills in the field of project management will grow by 87.7 million by 2027 and that the success rate of a project is likely to increase by 40% when the project manager possesses the essential skills to do the job well. If you are looking at building a career in this field, acquiring and honing these skills - and figuring out how to showcase them on your Project Management resume - will help you stand out from the crowd.Related Articles Around the Web 7 Skills Every Project Manager CV Should Include Aki Merced